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Spring Fundraiser
Saturday 27 April 2024, 05:00pm
Hits : 1567
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After a 5 year absence, the Village is pleased to announce plans are now underway to bring back our annual Spring Fundraiser. It may look a little different but be assured the dinner will be fabulous, the entertainment enjoyable and the dancing will continue into the night! 

Our MC and Entertainment is Manitoba's very own Big Daddy Taz - whether you've seen him before or not, the fun is guaranteed!

No evening would be complete without a few hours of dancing, and dance you will to the sounds of The Goods! We are so excited to bring them to Arborg for the evening. 

The meal is going to be fantastic with, of course, our infamous Dessert Room. Our volunteer bakers are so supportive of the Village.

Tickets will be $100 each, with a Tax Receipt of $50 available for anyone who requests. Tickets available shortly. Don't hesitate to let one of our Board Members know you want one, or two or TEN. Tables of 8 are available and will be reserved. Each ticket gets entered into our Door Prize draw, sponsored by Westshore Marine & Leisure, for a Fuell Flluid E-bike valued at $6,700.

This event will be held at the Arborg Bifrost Community Centre. Doors open at 5 PM.